A more common cause is not rightly understanding the doctrine of Justification, What it really means to be forgiven of all and every sin. Past, present, and future. Gone. Forever. Romans 8:1
You see, not knowing that every individual sin of every child of God, past, present, and future has been covered under the blood of Christ on the cross makes for dark days. In Arminianism, you can never know that sin is forgiven until you fall backward into heaven. For some, however, in more mystical circles, like our own, it’s by steps, stages, and reformed-sounding works. We still think, deep down (even unconsciously), that the Arminian has it right, that we must contribute something toward our acceptance in the Beloved. We continue to trust in ourselves and endeavor to establish our own righteousness instead of submitting to the righteousness of Christ. Here is how it goes in our circles…
“If I have deep enough sighs, wet enough tears, dark enough darkness revealed to my soul, THEN the Lord might see fit to save me.” Who would dare to spout this openly? But many believe it privately.1 So distress of mind is likely to increase, and we are plunged at last into a spiritual depression (and don’t even know why).
Though someone has been instructed in the nature of the Covenants of Works and Grace, he still clings confusedly to the law, which can only condemn him. In the meantime, he labors and strives and watches and prays, but with no apparent success. In fact, he appears to himself to become even worse! He trusts in that wonderful sub-doctrine of “the necessity of evidence,” but he trusts in it AS his justification. Very dangerous. In other words, he's looking for qualifications within himself to become next in line for God’s grace. His mistake is that he thinks he must make himself better before he comes to Christ instead of approaching Him in naked need as a helpless sinner. Instead, he hopes to earn a gracious look through his, yes, experiential efforts. So he is filled with hopelessness day by day. All his attempts fail, his performances are defective, and they roundly condemn him. Every discovery of the evil of his own heart and of the purity of God increases his restlessness and dread and adds to his fear. So he gradually sinks into spiritual depression. Perhaps this is you.
To be continued…
These are troubles that are only known to a certain kind of Reformed believer. It is mostly found in Sesession Dutch Churches (FRC, NRC, RCNA, HRC) and in certain places in the Highlands of Scotland (FPCoS). I have encountered it at times in the wider Reformed body. It’s my sheep pen pastorally, and I would not trade our problems for others’.
These posts have been so important. We’re trapped, as it were, between naturally gravitating toward Arminianism or worrying folks will think we’re antinomian. Until and unless Christ is preached as all, alpha and omega, we’ll never be free.