And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide” Gen 24:63

That’s my inspiration.

These are a slow but steady release of meditations, articles, memos, and thoughts I have written over the past 12 years. Mostly as an archive for my children, but I hope you will enjoy them too.

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I am a minister in the Free Reformed Churches of North America. A denomination that I have grown to love more with each passing year. I subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity as my personal confession. I am the pastor of my beloved Free Reformed Church of Pompton Plains. The contents of my Substack are not necessarily a reflection of my federation’s or consistory’s opinion. These are my thoughts.

Favorite authors:

Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis (Prince of the Early Church)

Wilhelmus à Brakel (Prince of Practical Theology)

Samuel Rutherford (Prince of Experience)

John Donne (Prince of Poetry)

John Bunyan (Prince of Allegory)

George Whitefield (Prince of Preachers)

Favorite Question and Answer:

Q. 60.  How art thou righteous before God?
A.  Only by a true faith in Jesus Christ; so that, though my conscience accuse me that I have grossly transgressed all the commandments of God, and kept none of them, and am still inclined to all evil; notwithstanding, God, without any merit of mine, but only of mere grace, grants and imputes to me the perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ; even so, as if I never had had nor committed any sin: yea, as if I had fully accomplished all that obedience which Christ has accomplished for me; inasmuch as I embrace such benefit with a believing heart.

My audio meditations were inspired by the hope that our seniors, shut-ins, and ill could listen when reading is hard.


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Thoughts and meditations between Eden and Olivet


Pastor of the Pompton Plains Free Reformed Church.