Unswayed in Modern Tides
Our youth need a robust Biblical doctrine, personal devotion, and scriptural clarity to navigate the challenges of modern secularism, technology, and shifting societal norms.
Today’s youth are in need of the family, the Christian school, and the local church to help them through these interesting, sometimes frightening times. What do they need today? Our young people need…
A Robust Understanding of Doctrine: The digital age has brought with it a deluge of information, opinions, and worldviews. Without a deep understanding of Biblical doctrine, many young adults are at risk of being swayed by every wind of doctrine. It is imperative that they have a thorough knowledge of the Bible and the core tenets of the faith.
Personal Devotion and Prayer: As the world moves faster, there is a growing temptation to relegate personal devotions and prayer to the periphery. Young adults need encouragement and practical guidance on how to commune with God daily. We need more quiet time and fewer distractions. Sermons and podcasts may be great, but there is NO substitute for personal devotions and prayer.
Answers to Secularism and Relativism: The modern era has seen a rising tide of secularism and moral relativism. Young adults must be equipped to understand, confront, and compassionately respond to these worldviews with the truth of Scripture.
Christian Community and Fellowship: In an increasingly individualistic society, many are isolated and lonely. Young adults need genuine Christian fellowship and mentorship to grow in their faith and withstand the challenges they face. In the years to come, we will feel the need for more contact, not less.
Vocation and Calling Clarity: As young adults make crucial decisions about their careers and futures, they need guidance on how to align their vocational choices with God's calling, how to navigate a secular workforce, and how to serve Christ faithfully in their professions.
Sexual Relationship Clarity: The shifting sands of cultural norms around sexuality demand that young adults have a biblical understanding of these topics. They need teaching on God's design for marriage, sexuality, and relationships, especially in an age of gender dysphoria and open homosexuality+.
Help Engaging with Technology Righteously: The digital age brings with it both opportunities and pitfalls. Young adults need wisdom on how to use advancing technology for God's glory, how to avoid its potential snares, and how to discern truth from falsehood in the digital realm.
Understanding of Creationism: With evolutionary theories prevailing in academia, young adults need a solid grounding in the biblical account of creation, why it matters, and how to defend it.
Assurance of Salvation: In times of doubt and spiritual struggle, young adults must be anchored in the assurance of their salvation, understanding that it rests in Christ's finished work, not their own merit or feelings.
Preparing for Persecution: As Western culture becomes more post-Christian, there's a need to prepare young adults for potential marginalization or persecution for holding to biblical truths.
Above all...
They need a vital saving interest in Christ. Without this, all else is window dressing and delusion. This truth stands at the forefront of all their spiritual needs. Without this, all other religious pursuits and disciplines ring hollow. Young adults today, as with every generation, must recognize the paramount importance of a genuine, saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ, in His two natures, His active and passive obedience, perfect life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection. These must be the cornerstone of our youth’s faith. His redemptive work is the only way sinners can be reconciled to a holy God… at any age. Acts 4:12: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Our precious young adults must come to know the gravity of their sin and the dire consequences of remaining in unbelief. Only when we grasp the weight of our transgressions and the wrath we deserve can we truly appreciate the magnificent grace offered by Christ. They must also know that “Those that are called by the Gospel are unfeignedly called.” (Canons 3/4 Heads, Art.8). There is full and free forgiveness in Christ.
The local congregation, therefore, must prioritize preaching the Gospel message plainly and urgently. Not lowering God to their level but raising them to His in creative, God-honoring ways. There must be a clarion call to repentance and faith, urging young souls to flee from the wrath to come and find refuge in Christ. The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, subsequent to this saving faith, will then lead them to grow in all areas of spiritual life. They must hear 100% Law and 100% Gospel, salvation and damnation, justification and sanctification. We must not withhold any of the full counsel of God's Word. Acts 20:26-27.
In essence, a vital saving interest in Christ is not just one of many spiritual needs; it’s the one thing needful. Luke. 10:42. It’s the primary and most pressing of all and the only key to unlocking all the other needs’ supply.
This requires the church to provide clear preaching, robust teaching, a genuine community, and opportunities for service and outreach. It's a call to know and believe the foundational truths of the Scriptures, ensuring that our young adults are grounded in God’s Word and equipped to live out their faith in a rapidly changing, God-hating world.