The Infinite in the Infinitesimal
"‘Lord, increase our faith!... If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed...’” Luke 17:5,6
Sometimes, our faith seems too small to speak of. If faith were a coin, we feel it too paltry to purchase our heart's desires. Worse still, in our darkest hours, we feel as if that coin has slipped through our fingers, lost in the depths of our soul's ocean. Did we ever have faith at all? (2Thess. 3:2)
How soon we forget that faith is not a house, built brick by laborious brick. But a seed Divinely planted in the heart. It's not the volume of our faith that makes us rich, but the purity of the Object. The strength of faith that overcomes this world (1 Jn.5:4) is not a matter of size but density. No matter how small a weight of gold is, all is gold: a brick, a coin, a nugget, or a fleck. No faith is too tiny, no soul too small. Why? Because the tiniest faith contains the fullness of Christ. (Col. 2:9-10) He sees His faith within His people and understands its purity and potential. Christ rebukes us, not for our faith's smallness, but for our faith's object. (Matthew 6:30) Let this truth sink in.
Child of God, you must not look to the quantity of your faith but to the quality of your Savior. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Our pathway on earth is not one of amassing faith through toil but of resting in the fullness of Christ, who fills faith to the brim of any sized heart. (Matthew 11:28-30) How else could a mustard seed move a mountain? In other words, no faith is too slight, no soul too small, when Christ is in view. (Luke 17:6)
"Lord, increase our faith!" Now that’s a prayer to pray!
“Help me find the true essence of faith's increase: an ever-deepening trust in Thy sufficiency, a steadfast reliance on Thy promises, and a joyful surrender to Thy will.”
It is in the very moments of surrender that I hear the whisper of the Spirit, reminding me that in my weakness, His strength is perfected (2 Corinthians 12:9), and in my insufficiency, His provision is boundless.
And that's how faith grows, dear one. In Christ, our tiny faith finds its increase. And in His fullness, we find our own.