Michelangelo's famous statue of David has an interesting history. Though it was commissioned to him on August 3rd of 1501, he did not begin working on it until September 16th. Or so it seemed. For over a month, he rose every morning, donned his artist’s cloak, and stood with his assistant in front of a raw slab of marble. He would stare at the stone all day, pack up his things, and go home. He did this for 43 days. Out of inquisitive frustration, his assistant finally asked, "What are you doing just staring at that marble slab every day?" His answer was simple, " I'm working.” Before Michelangelo set to work, he first saw the last touch. The end existed in his mind before the beginning. It was the completed form that moved him to begin.
So it is with Christ, the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.” Before the foundation of the world, before He ever uttered, “Light be,” He saw the finished thing;
the Lamb slain,
sinners redeemed,
and a bride glorified by His doing.
The Son of Man was, all along, the Artist of every stroke. He had already won during our days of chaos. In His beloved heart, He had already reconciled to Himself, the darkness over the face of our deep. He had already harmonized to Himself, things formless and void. When God said, "Let us make man,” it wasn’t Adam that stood before Him; it was all His beloved bride. The Man that came in the fullness of time was from everlasting, and with everlasting in view, He labored. He saw a work finished, a warfare accomplished, and a people seated “together in heavenly places in Him”, before He began.
Is Jesus Christ the author and finisher of your faith?