The Burdened Seeker's Oasis
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Mat 11:28
We would be foolish to think that these words only mean "spiritual" labor and "spiritual" burdens. It would fly in the face of bold testimony and contradict all those who came to Jesus with earthly needs, but left with everlasting life. Am I wrong? No one Jesus healed ever spoke about their soul, their heart, their sin, or their need of everlasting salvation. So, this text is as wide as it is deep, dear one. Many of God's people have trudged through the swamp of their guilt before finally coming to Christ. This is one burden of the text and has its application. Others, however, come to Jesus simply overwhelmed by the crosses they bear. But let us not be distracted by such differences. It matters little which is true. So long as it leads to Jesus. He will take it from there. The meaning of our Lord is clear. He says,
"Come to me, whoever you are, under any and every burden at all. I make no qualifications, distinctions, or differences."
Is your poor body worn out from age, disease, or suffering? Is your mind troubled by far too many earthly things? Poor anxious one, Jesus says "Come unto me."
Have you found that, in a world full of answers, there are actually none? Your doctor has not given you rest; your therapist, herbalist, elder, pastor, family, and best friend have all tried to soothe your troubled soul — but have all failed. Listen, then, to Jesus, "I will give your rest."
In the quiet hours of your day. Perhaps early in the morning, or deep in the still night, do you feel a restless heavy soul? That’s yours. Only Jesus can send peace to quiet hours. I can tell you by experience that He will abundantly and aboundingly help you. If you come to Him. What is stopping you? Stay away, and there is no help for you but the empty bobbles of this world's peace merchants. But if you hear His voice and obey His words, you can bear up under any trial. Here’s the fine print of the Christian life; the Christian life is not trial-less, temptation-less, or pain-less. Most definitely not sin-less. No. But He is with us. Every step of the way. Up each cragus mountain, down each shadowy vale, through every desert wasteland, all the while strengthening by His unerring hand. All this is true, because, when the soul is comforted, refreshed, and fed by Jesus, this life's trials become lighter, and the pain somewhat lesser, while walking with our burden-bearing Savior.
Dear one, go to Jesus. I will tell you how. Go to Him like you would an old, dear friend. Tell Him the things that burden and pain your soul. He already knows them anyway. Don’t you see? Sharing these burdens is the first step in coming to Him. And in that coming, you will find a kind, loving sympathizing Savior. Who sorrows with you and promises to give you rest. Rest when? Well, it’s a two-parter. A little bit now to take you through this life, and the rest of the rest, in eternity. Come, and lay your weary head upon Him. Come, and whisper your heart to His. Come, and believe He is who He says He is, and will do What He has promised.
Not just poor guilty sinners have come. Millions on their bed of sickness, and countless with heavy crosses in life have found rest in Jesus — such rest that they are willing to continue to suffer, if only they can be by His side. Oh, for faith to believe this text and carry it all to Jesus. Take this text to Him, and He will honor it in your experience.