The Benediction Land
"Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the far-off land." Isa 33:17
If you are a true child of God, then you are traveling to a "far-stretching land." That's what the original says, where you will see the King in all His beauty. But it is a far-off land.
It means...
Your intellect will have her benediction there. Here below, you are learning many glorious lessons in the school of Christ. Yet there are questions that remain unanswered and problems of sin unsolved. Take heart, dear one, soon you shall know even as also you are known...clearly, unerringly, perfectly.
It means...
Your conscience will have her benediction there. Since Christ became yours, her troublesome accusations have been silenced to a whisper, and her governing power has been re-fit. Yet she has her fears still, doesn’t she, and her difficulties and uncertainties are not all gone. In other words, here on earth, it's not quite full noon in the day of conscience. But, when she finally walks with the Lamb, robed in His white righteousness, all the shadows of conscience will vanish.
It means…
Your will, too, will have her benediction there. By the grace of God, you have a new and obedient principle within that delights to do His will! Yes, but traces of the old rebellious nature linger. “Thy will be done” is a tough prayer to pray here on earth. It stammers and trembles. But in that Land, there will be one will in you…. The Kings.
It means…
Love will have her benediction in that land when you see the King in His beauty. Jesus will satisfy abundantly. Indeed, dear one, it is this land that you look forward to, the land where your longings will find their home, your questions their answers, and your soul, her rest. A land that stretches beyond your best dreams. In this land, in the presence of King Jesus, the Savior of sinners, where you will finally be fully at rest and eternally content. This is our blessed hope, our glorious destination, our heavenly home. What a matchless Savior who has gone before to prepare that Land for the believer’s arrival. He waits, yes, even longs for that day, dear one.
LORD, take us to see our King in His Beauty, in that far-stretching land.