The original actually says I am “the Shepherd Beautiful.” What imagery that breathes?
He is The Shepherd beautiful in His wisdom.
That is, He understands each of His sheep. As The Shepherd, He can instinctively read their temperaments, needs, weaknesses, and dangers. He knows the perfect pastures, the lush meadows, and the still waters best suited for each. He guides both sheep and lamb with an unerring hand. His wisdom is supreme. He has complete knowledge of every precious soul that He has redeemed and has perfect insight into the special grace that nourishes them. One day every sheep will know this in perfection when He sets them in their final pasture, in the fullness of joy.
He is the Shepherd beautiful in His strength.
Oh, His arms are strong, His feet steady, His heart brave to sacrifice all for the sake of His flock. Whether it is a storm to be sheltered from, or wild jaws to be snatched from, or the thicket-brush to be plucked from, He is bold to meet their crisis. From what exactly does His strength protect the believer from? From the broken and threatening law of God, the subtle cunning forces of Satan, and the heart's own appalling sin and misery. He fights them one by one and always gains the victory.
He is the Shepherd beautiful in His love.
Which means it is constant. It never changes. Our Shepherd Beautiful is not moved by the frost of winter or the heat of summer. The lion and the bear do not frighten Him. So dear to His soul are His sheep in danger, that He will defy, endure, and suffer everything for their sake. Everything. Even lay down His life for them. His sheep have been wayward, stubborn, and rebellious. So much so that searching after them means death for Him. He assumed our nature, that He might offer Himself a sacrifice for sin. And He chose death, climbed the hill of shame, and declared both gall and bitterness sweet. For the joy that was set before Him. The great shepherds of the past, Abraham, Moses, and David were also ruled by love. But no Love was ever like unto this Love.
Wisdom so Beautiful, Strength so Beautiful, Love so Beautiful. Does this thought not take you prisoner, draw you home, and bind you forever and ever to the Bishop and Great Shepherd of your soul?