Seek Me and Live
"Thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye Me and ye shall live." Amos 5:4
GOD speaks to us in many ways.
First, there is the voice of nature—the clouds, hanging in the blue sky, sailing before the wind—the dark night of Orion, with his jeweled sword of light. The midnight, lying heavy on the land; the glistening rose of dawn; the grey mists, rising from the river; the sweet rain, falling on field and fauna; lightning from the heart of thunder... all sound the name of God in my ears.
They are His envoys. They are His heralds.
Then there is the voice of Law. In His Word, God calls me more directly than His world. The Law of the Lord is perfect, convicting my heart, restoring my soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise my simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing my heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening my eyes. Oh, that I may have ears to hear this majestic voice of my King! But I see myself. I am rotten to the core. I cannot come to this Voice I hear. It bids me, touch not My holy mountain.
Best of all, there is the voice of the Gospel. When He says through Christ, "I know how many your transgressions are, and how mighty your sins be." But will the Lord of Hosts be gracious? My soul, from Eden to Bethlehem to Calvary, is not "Will He?" It's a glorious certainty. Jesus saves us in the midst of our pit of corruption. While we were yet sinners, yet breakers of His Law, Christ died for the ungodly. Jesus is the Father's last and best Voice to sinners. After Him is nothing. Following in His train is nothing. The parade of salvation is ended. God has nothing more and nothing higher to say to me than Christ and Him crucified.
So while I may listen to nature's rhythms and the Law's pulsings, I listen most carefully to Jesus. In Him is my help found. I will seek Him. It is not a question of "Will He?" receive me, but a resounding testament of "I will, be thou clean."