Hyper's Game, or Man's Latent Antinomianism
"...teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Matt. 5:9
In a shadowed-fold of twisted truth, where souls abide,
Lies error, soft yet stern, on Hyper's falling tide.
Claiming kin to ancient roots, they slyly slide,
Yet distort the very Grace where trust should hide.
With words that mimic scripture’s beat,
They weave a web half-error, full deceit.
Experimental truth, once so sweet,
Now turned to bitter herbs, their feasts replete.
Their credo fervor, strict, with zeal misaligned,
Etch the soul, a misled, darkened mind.
Emotions reign, where once Truth enshrined,
Leaving hearts a labyrinth, entwined.
Coformity’s iron grip, are chains unseen,
Encourages not the soul's growth, but its lean.
Shaming whispers, like serpents, coil, and preen,
Beneath a veneer of Truth, falsity, unseen.
These shepherds, cloaked in ancient garb, do stray,
From the path, where Scripture's light would play.
Their flock, young minds and old, in fear and doubt, they sway,
Far from the comfort of Mercy's tender way.
"Be wary," cries the voice of Truth, "of wolves in guise,
Who speaks of Grace, yet words revise.
For in their midst, hope’s light dies,
And with it, the Person, heaven's prize."
In love for souls, a caution thus I frame,
To those who falsely speak in God's name, yet bring Him shame.
For the harm to souls, they alone to blame,
In this soft, yet harsh, Hyper-painful, game.
"And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers." John 10:5