Through the brambleless meadows, where secret silence fell,
My weary mind sought comfort, a story not to tell,
I wish there was a river, to calm my mind in.
Beneath the morning sky, where light and shadow blend,
I saw familiar waters, but will those waters mend?
I’m hoping there’s a river, to calm my mind in.
Down the winding trail, my heart, in silence groanes,
Though whispering oaks commend me, no solitude atones,
I’m wishing for a river, to cleanse my heart in.
My thoughts, like scattered leaves, are tossed in the winds
Of past and present failures, selfish hopelessness, and sins.
I wish there was a river, to cleanse my heart in.
In the quiet of my walking, I longed for river peace,
To stand within those waters, but will my turmoil cease?
I’m trusting for a river, to wash my soul in.
Is there such a river, where waters clear and thin,
Wash away my sorrows and clean the wounds within?
I’m searching for a river, to heal my soul in.
This rocky bottom wasteland, where sinful self aspires,
Pride, like flying sparks, ignites ambition's fires.
I’m craving for a river, to quench my pride in.
Through time carved out by trial, where self-regard has thrived,
I seek a humbling water where arrogance is starved.
I’m seeking for a river, to drown my pride in.
In the cold wind of memory, my yesterdays all spin,
A coat of dreary colors, woven by loss and sin.
I’m hoping there is a river, to wash my past in.
Along the water's banking, regrets are cast and twinned,
Are these forgetful waters, to cleanse what has been?
I’m looking for a river, to wash my past in.
Into Chrystal-bright clear waters, where the Spirit whispers Truth,
I walk and hope for solace in waters meant to soothe,
I'm told that, "There is a River, to make me glad in."
Now, down the winding pathway, my heart finds scripture sweet,
In Word and prayer united, where earth and heaven meet.
I read, "There is a River, to make me glad in."
Beneath the morning sky, where light dispels the blend,
I step in Promised Waters, my broken heart to mend.
I see, there is a River, to make me glad in.
My thoughts, once so scattered, now in calm winds rest,
Past and present kiss, upon my Guide's strong breast.
In Christ, there is a River, to make me glad in.
In the stream of Holy Scripture, where living waters flow,
The rivulets and my heart, unite; Jesus makes it so.
I know, There is a River, to make me glad in.
There is a crimson River, its currents strong and wide,
In which the Word made flesh, and God and man abide.
His blood becomes my River, to make me glad in.
This River, Christ my Savior, my Ransom and my Guide,
In every pain of memory, my all, salvation wide.
I'm thankful for my River, Who makes me glad in Him.
"There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God" Ps 46:4.
"And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." Rev. 22:1