Ps. 42:7 "All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me."
Adrift in deep waters, dark and cold,
Where shadows of sorrows, despairs, unfold,
Herein I wrestle, depths unknown,
Feeling lost, forsaken, alone.
The waves of grief crash over head,
Filling my soul with dread upon dread.
Yet, in this darkness where I roil and sink,
I yearn for a beacon, a Divine-Human link.
Lord, in this ocean of unending night,
Be Thou my vision, my strength, my light.
Thy Presence, a lighthouse from heavn's distant shore,
Lighting to me, promising more.
The Psalmist cried out in his own plight,
"My soul thirsts for Thee, in this parched site."
So, too, my spirit longs for Thy grace,
In this sea of deep water, oh, show me Thy Face.
Thy love, O LORD, is deeper than my sea,
Thy mercy a lifeboat, oh, send it to me.
Though I am surrounded by waters of woe,
Reach forth thy Hand LORD, don't let me go.
Amidst all my waves, teach me to trust,
Thy Sovereign lessons, just and just.
Though I fear drowning, a sea of pain,
In Thee, O Lord, hope must rein.
For in these depths, be Thou, my Anchor,
In billows of life, my Shelter and Buckler.
In Thee, may I find, solace, endurance,
In these deep waters, Thy Love my insurance.
I lift my eyes above the tide,
Looking for Thee, my Savior, my Guide.
In this dark way through waters so wide,
If Thou, LORD, embrace me, I'll ever abide.
Ps 97:11-"Light for the righteous is sown in sorrow."