The first act in creation was the movement of the Spirit. Before light, darkness, and dividing land and sea; before one star shone bright, or bird sang, the Spirit moved.
So, too, within the soul.
Everything is formless and void, including my heart, until the Spirit moves. That’s why man is constantly experimenting with emptiness-filling things. But my quests only find more emptiness. Why is that? Why no peace? It’s because the Spirit has not moved upon the face of my waters. The Spirit must calm the sea of my heart. If my ocean is not calmed, it matters very little how beautiful other things around me are. And because I can't enjoy them, their beauty becomes my pain. The power that would heal my sorrows must begin not with my feelings but my soul. The Spirit must take me deeper than my feelings!
So, I say, "Precious Spirit, Thou alone art creative Power. Thou alone art able to work within me what nothing else can. It is not a new thing I lack, it's new life. Come into this dark heart of mine and bring me Thy movements. Come into this life of mine and bring me Thy joy. Come and brood over the waters of my soul until it reflects Christ’s calm image. I am waiting on Thee. I confess this entire creation cannot give me what I need. Christ in me, the hope of glory, can. Thou alone canst do this. Blessed Spirit, brood over the face of my waters. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”