The first movement in all of creation was the gentle stirring of the Spirit. Before light pierced the darkness,
before land separated from the sea,
before a single star shone or bird sang,
the Spirit moved.
And so it is within the human soul.
All is formless and void until the Spirit moves. This is why we constantly try to fill the emptiness within with various things. But all we are left with is a greater void and more formlessness. Why is this? It is because the Spirit has not yet moved upon the face of the waters of our hearts. It is the Spirit who must calm the turbulent sin within. If our hearts are not at peace, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the world around us may be. And because we cannot enjoy it fully, its beauty becomes a source of pain for us. The power that can illuminate the darkness within us must begin not with our eyes, but our hearts.
Therefore, I cry out, "Precious Spirit, Thou alone are the creative power that can work within me what nothing else can. I need nothing but a new heart, a renewed life. Come into this dark heart of mine and bring me Thy peace. Come into this life of mine and apply Thy forgiveness. Brood over the waters of my soul until it reflects the image and beauty of Christ my Savior. I am waiting for Thee, as a watchman waits for the morning. I confess that all of creation cannot give me what I truly need - only 'Christ in me, the hope of glory' can. Blessed Spirit, move upon the face of the waters of my soul. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)