By the brook, the LORD gave His servant the wisdom of divine waiting. It must have been a big ordeal for such a zealous soul to wait in silent thought. Yet, a sacred something exists in meditation, in a long season of abeyance. We yearn for our Lord to illuminate our paths swiftly, early, brightly, and decisively. But we often overlook that His Person also casts a healing shadow. A wilderness under His watchful eye becomes a verdant field of blessing for my soul. Surely, I shall emerge from its hush with wisdom, youth, and strength.
By the brook, the LORD instructed Elijah in the art of unquestioning trust. Oh, to learn this at last! At dawn and dusk, the winged creatures brought Elijah’s banquet at the Almighty’s command, leaving him satisfied. I need to learn that my Heavenly Father knows my earthly needs alongside my spiritual. I may entrust Him to nourish me with food convenient for me, at the time of His appointment. I often knock at night, but receive nothing until morning. Lord, teach me to learn to wait.
By the brook, the Lord taught His student in the school of shared suffering. Soon, the mountain stream ebbed away; its waters ceased to quench the prophet's thirst; its melody stilled; and then his thoughts turned towards the countless souls perishing in the drought. So may I embrace all discipline, however severe, that deepens and broadens my empathy. May I shoulder my brother's affliction, and thus fulfill the Law of Christ.
Then I will rejoice if my pilgrimage leads me to my own Cherith's. It will be a blessing to wait there if He will but visit me, feed me, instruct me, and through the shadow He casts across my path, make me more useful to Him.